Here are some knife links to some of the sites we have come across. If you have additions please send an E-mail, and we will put your link on this page.
We would like to have many links, preferably to Scandinavian knife makers, knife information and everything else relevant for this site. So share your findings with others, we put them on the net.
Nordic links. |
USA links. |
Knut Dahl |
Strömberg An extraordinary knife maker. Excellent pictures, a very good site. |
SCRIMSHAW BY VIVECA FROM SWEDEN An international artist from our neighboring country. Very nice site with good pictures and links. |
Johan Gustafsson Pattern welding for the advanced blade smiths ! Beautiful knives and handsome folders. A good site, definitely worth a visit. |
Palle Thorndal |
Tommy Andersson |
Svensk Knivförening The Swedish knife makers association, a lot of good links. |
Knivförening Hälsinge knivförening, nice sides with good links. |
Smålands Knivmakare A fine site for Smålands knife makers |
Dennis Hombacka FFinnish site, focusing on sale of materials. |
Ansø knive. A Dane with good-looking results, a nice site. |
MORTEN HÅKONSEN, knifemaker with a good angel on new details.